Patient compliance with all needed pre-op behaviors rose from 0 to 64%. "Because patients are very stressed; they're anxious before surgery; they've got a lot of other things on their mind other than what we want them to do."
What’s the best way to communicate that preventive screenings are no longer recommended due to someone’s age? How can we convey the information in a way so the person does not feel they will soon be put out to pasture? The journal Health Expectations published results of a qualitative study of the perspectives of women who had […]
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The Agency for Clinical Innovation (ACI) in New South Wales, Australia has an amazing number of pain management resources – for both patients and clinicians. There are well over 500 documents, including sleep diaries, The Abbey Pain Scale for patients who can’t easily verbalize their pain due to dementia, and templates for patients to customize […]
How To Be Less Judgmental “If you’re going to do it anyway, you may as well be nice about it.” That was the most valuable lesson my wonderfully kind mother taught me. Why do we undermine the power of a kind act by complaining, whining, warning, or otherwise making the person feel bad about their […]
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Bring You Heart to Work When you want to improve a relationship, it takes more communication, not less communication. For an improved patient experience, more communication can be as simple as adding one more ingredient to your process for managing patient expectations. As CEO of Michigan’s Lakeland Health, Loren Hamel MD launched a “Bring Your […]
Expertly taught by,
"the best relationships in our lives are those in which we're treated with respect and the other person is as well."
SPEAKER, AUTHOR, empathy expert
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